Available as a standalone tool or as part of the iRecs reconciliation package Nevada gives operations teams a consolidated view of the data provided by prime brokers, other external parties and enriched information from their portfolio accounting system. The intuitive web-based system has been developed with and is used by existing Watson Wheatley clients to gain operational alpha and reduce risk.
The Nevada application uses tried and tested workflows to automate collection, aggregation and validation of data on any time frequency. Summary and detailed data is then presented to the users in interactive dashboards and reports. Clients have the ability to use templated solutions such as those for failed trade reporting and counterparty exposure or request their own bespoke requirements and outputs.
Nevada not only allows the visualisation of data but also has the ability to automate reporting via email or even upload corrections and adjustments to other systems based on the results.
iRecs is an automated reconciliation system designed to meet the needs of the asset management industry. iRecs matches positions, balances, trades, cash flows and uniquely, P&L between internal systems and external service providers and across all instrument classes.
iRecs is the only system available that completely solves margin accounts reconciliation for listed and OTC derivatives. iRecs also handles full NAV reconciliation accounting for all differences in positions, balances, prices and exchange rates between the internal accounting system and records provided by the custodian or administrator.
We used to provide a huge list of the various interfaces we have built over many years of reconciliation. The list is now too long to publish and also implies building a new interface is a large undertaking.
Fortunately with our Importer application adding new interfaces with our template system is extremely easy!
iRecs gives us a valuable add on to our existing systems, providing a very flexible reconciliation tool which we anticipate will allow us a high level of automation, and replace existing manual processes. The quality of the management reporting suite is also very impressive"
London Asset Manager
"Having evaluated several reconciliation tools we were impressed by the close fit between iRecs’ functionality and our very specific reconciliation needs and were convinced this was the scalable and flexible reconciliation platform we needed to support a large and diverse business"
London Asset Manager
"I was impressed with the capacity of Importer – we deal with many custodians and various file formats, and Importer now allows each to be presented in a standard format – this is a very powerful attribute"
London Asset Manager
We strive to make iRecs the best software available and we're thrilled that the industry has consistently recognised our offering.